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An explination about the site currency.

Beside your username at the top of the site there is a Jewel counter.

This represent the number of Pearls, Diamonds, Sapphires and Rubies you currently hold.

1 Pearl is worth 100 diamonds
1 Diamond is worth 100 sapphires
1 Sapphire is worth 100 rubies

So if you have 1000001 Rubies, you will see 1 Pearl and 1 Ruby.

This system was put in place roughly a year ago. Recently I hit 1000 Pearls, and I decided the algorithm was not serving a meaningful purpose.

As you can see among the top 16 people, there is a wild difference. Also consider that 90% of people had less than 10000.

| jewels |
| 1016128814 |
| 1374276 |
| 12447750 |
| 28933392 |
| 177098996 |
| 131462614 |
| 181463146 |
| 1013773 |
| 754177 |
| 171471274 |
| 176593953 |
| 221936 |
| 148354 |
| 222092 |
| 1036501 |
| 159421 |

So the only option was to reset this to zero for everyone, and start over with a fair algorithm that scales linearly.

There are currently 3 ways your Jewel count increases.

1. For every page view, you get 1 Ruby.
2. For every day you use the site, you get a number of Jewels based on your current rank.

Here is the current algorithm: ((((rank / 10) - ((rank % 10) / 10 )) * 1000) + ( rank * 10 ))

In English, this works out to your Rank * 10 + a Bonus of 10 Sapphires for every 10 Ranks you've reached.

3. Participate in the site's Treasure Hunting game. Click the link for further information.

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