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This guide intends to explain how to add or modify a serie

Here I'll explain how to add a new series. I'll use Natsu-iro Kiseki as an example.

To add a series you click Add series on the top menu. It will open a page with the following form:



The required fields are the english title and the home page. Now we are going to get all the data we can find to fill this form. We go to the wikipedia an search for Hatsui-iro kiseki:



I have marked the important things with red ellipses:

  • In first place we can obtain the links for the english wiki (on the address bar), japanese wiki (El enlace 日本語) and the official website. We can use one of this three to inform the home page field, being the official website the best option.

  • The characters to the right of the name between parentheses (夏色キセキ) are the japanese name for the title. If the romaji and english version of the title are different there will be the romaji transcription of the title. These will be needed to fill the japanese and romaji title.

  • The furigana it's a special way of writing japanese using kanas (japanese silabary) so its easier to read it, mainly used in mangas, newspaper, books, etc. so kids know how to read it. If you don't know how to get the furigana of a word there are sites that will give you the furigana of the titles, for example Kanji Converter.
  • Other data we can get here is the english studio name, genres, relase data, content rating, etc.[/url]

    If the name of the studio is a link (like in this sample) we can obtain the japanese name like in this image:



    With all of these we have all the data to fill the add series form, but lets continue to official website so we can get the rest of the things we need:



    In an official website you can usually find an image suited to be the main image for the site. Also there should be a section of the website with the characters. Most of these sites will be in japanese, so to know which should be the option for characters, it's written like キャラクタ or ちゃらくた. Now we can continue filling the fields of the add title form:



    One of the fields we can fill is the media type of the anime, video game, etc.:



    Please remember that all dates are to be in YYYY/MM/DD format. If the date is written out like "14 September, 2013" it must be formatted properly into "2013/09/14".

    We do not use dashes (2013-09-14) or any other spacing. It must always be the same forward slash (2013/09/14) otherwise it will not link with other dates.

    One of the media types, the franchise needs a special consideration. The franchise is a type of series that will combine two or more series, like a manga and anime, an anime and a videogame, different seasons of the same anime, etc. Usually the moderators will be the ones that create the franchises and assign titles to them, but anyone can create a franchise. The title of a franchise should end with (Series) in its name. If you are not a moderator you should contact one to assign the different series.

    Once we have filled all the data we got we should click the Preview. This will execute a search on the database to know if the title it's already created. After the search is finished the form will change to this one:



    There will be a list of similar and exact titles, so we can decide if it's duplicated or no. In this particular case, there is no need to check "I am sure this is not a duplicate", but if there are similar titles or exact this check is necessary. You can change the name and click on preview until there is no exact matches, so it's possible to create another title, without being duplicated. Finally once we are sure it's a duplicate and want to proceed we should click the post button.

    If all went well, in the next page will appear a message like this:



    Now the new title is in the database and you can start uploading characters to it. But lets continue editing the new title. From this point any changes done to the title might need the approval of a moderator, or a request to a moderator, so this part is more for the moderators. To edit the source click on any of the links. It will open the edit page:



    These sections will appear at the top of the page under the site banner:

  • Genre Tags: This will let you specify the genres of the title. To separate different genres use a comma (,)

  • Main Image: With this you can upload the main image for the title. If you can't upload the main image you can upload an image as an additional one, and request a moderator to change it to main image. The available formats are JPG, PNG and GIF. Whenever possible the image should be PNG as it has the better quality and the thumbnails created will be better
  • .



    This is the edit form. The additional data we can fill here are the different urls about the new title: jp wiki, en wiki, red, gray and green urls for sites with info and the getchu id where you can buy the anime, videogame, etc. The number on the address bar is the one to put on the form field when uploading characters, so you should annotate it for later. Once finished editing the title click on the update button to save the changes. Once saved, click on the main image so we go to the source page:



    On the title page we can change the parent id. This serves to add titles to a franchise or to add relations between series.

    The new title should look similar to this:



    And now we have our new title!

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