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Jin Kisaragi is a character from the Video Game BlazBlue.

They have been indexed as Male Adult with Green eyes and Blonde / Yellow hair that is To Neck length.


Jin Kisaragi is the brother of Ragna the Bloodege and Saya and is also the Major and 4th Thaumaturgist Squadron Commander of the NOL. Jin also serves as the rival character of the series.

When Jin was a little boy, he was very dependent on his older brother, Ragna, for affection and constantly pestered him to play with him. He saw his sister Saya as an obstacle of getting his brother's attention and constantly bullied her in retaliation. Eventually, Ragna decided to look after the sickly Saya and distanced himself from Jin, thus increasing his jealousy.
It was then Yūki Terumi entered Jin's life and told him about The Black Beast, that it would be born from Ragna, and that he is destined to destroy it. Deciding that his brother must pay for his ignorance, and to get rid of the obstacle between them, Saya, Jin left Terumi to do as he pleased, including burning the church where they stayed and murdering their caretaker. When Ragna arrived, he only watched in shock as Terumi cut off his arm, and kidnapped Saya. Jin later vanished from Ragna's life, and apparently his memory of that incident was blocked off.

Jin was later adopted to the high-esteemed Kisaragi family. With his talents, he rose up in the ranks of the NOL and was given the Nox Nyctores, Yukianesa, (however, in the true ending of CS, he tells Ragna that Saya is the one who actually gave him the sword) but his other siblings never trusted him, thinking that he only got his ranks due to his adoption. Indeed, Jin himself felt completely empty even after being showered with awards and ranks (which included the stopping of the Ikaruga Civil War).

When the rumors of the "Grim Reaper" arose, Jin felt a sudden urge to meet him, which caused him to abandon his post and head to Kagutsuchi to find out about the Reaper. When it turns out to be Ragna, Jin became ecstatic to meet his beloved brother and his psychosis caused him to be eager to kill him and fulfill his destiny.

Jin proves his elite status in the NOL with his exceptional skills on the battlefield. Wielding the Nox Nyctores, Yukianesa, Jin controls the element of ice, wielding it with such efficiency that he is able to shape the ice he creates into different forms such as a series of blades and is able to propel himself on one (affectionately named by fans as 'Ice Car'). His swordsmanship as well as his powers rival and contrasts that of his brother Ragna. While Ragna fights with savage, powerful blows, Jin's style is elegant (although it should be noted that the damage output on Jin's attacks are considerably powerful like Ragna), which strangely polarizes his own personality affected by the Yukianesa.

Jin's Drive is Reitō (Frost Bite). By harnessing the power of Yukianesa, Jin can encase his opponents in structures of ice, temporarily incapacitating them for a free hit. Unlike the other characters in the series, Jin's Heat Gauge is broken up into four bars instead of the usual two the other have with the exception of Hakumen. His Drive attacks use one bar each, although incredibly potent as they deal multiple hits in one strike.

Jin is a very versatile character, he has projectiles and techniques for spacing to keep his opponents at bay. His Drive freezes his opponents, allowing for extensive chaining of moves. His swordplay is rather different in contrast to Ragna's. Jin's moveset allows him play as more of a mix-up and even perhaps as a rushdown. Unlike Ragna's "bread-and-butter" moveset and combos, Jin has a much more refined and more technical aspect to his game and thus an approach to using Jin should be applied to with a greater degree of thought.

Jin is not without his flaws. His parameters are not his weakness, but rather how the player utilises him. If one were to use Jin as a rushdown character, it would be very easy for his opponent to pick apart his attacks. Jin's moves are to be used specifically and to be applied with some thought. He can also be used as a mix-up to some extent, but requires extensive knowledge of his techniques and properties of said techniques for him to be utilised this way.

Using Jin as an outright zoning character will only work for so long. His projectiles can be easily avoided and can leave Jin vulnerable by an opponent advancing towards him with a well time jump. In fact, Jin's safest bet is to apply turtling and this tactic compliments his moveset and techniques, but once again, an opponent can quickly catch on and respond accordingly.

Material Collection Information:
- Hobbies: Collecting vintage motorcycles
- Values: Nothing
- Likes: Being left alone
- Dislikes: Weaklings, meat dishes

Musical Themes:
- Lust SIN - Jin's Theme
- Under Heaven Destruction - Jin Kisaragi VS Ragna the Bloodedge
- Imperial Code - Jin Kisaragi VS Noel Vermillion
Trait Appears (actual)
Gender Male
Eye Color Green
Hair Color Blonde / Yellow
Hair Length To Neck
Apparent Age Adult
Animal Ears No
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2008 Trivia

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